Master Thesis - Virtual Reality Application

Goal: To study, understand and compare the results on the impact, various environment noises (binaural and others) had on user experience and presence within the virtual space.

• Developed a Unity based virtual reality application where the Users had to execute 12 set of conditions that differ not just in the noise placed in the environment and its intensity but also the level of interaction one has in the virtual space.

• Post completion of each tests, users had to record the results by completing the following set of questionnaires: Nasa Task Load Index, IPQ Presence Questionnaire, PANAS Test and Self Assessment Manikin.

Images from the VR Application

Tools & Softwares Used

3D Modeling & Rigging & UV Correction : Autodesk Maya & Blender
Game Development : Unity Engine
Most Assets : Reused from SketchFab
Device : Oculus Quest

Team Information

  • Rahul - Development using Unity Engine and debugging on Oculus Quest.

Research Idea

To study how various environmental noises (binaural and non binaural noises) affect one’s level of immersion or decision making within virtual reality. To measure the system usability and acceptability of the VR device. To understand if various kinds of environment noises affect the level of immersion/presence or decision making in VR. Also, did the sounds contribute to the level of realism within the VR world.