Karis Digital - Berlin based Healthcare startup

After gradution from TU Berlin I joined a Berlin based healthcare startup, Karis Digital. The company comprised of three members (including me) and I was the only programmer that was working on the prototype so that we could present our idea to potential investors to provide additional funding once the current funding from the Berlin senate runs out. My task was to create a mental puzzle game and a painting application with a multiplayer community setup. The puzzle game can be accessed from this link. The painting application can be accessed from this link.

Tools & Softwares Used

Unity Game Engine and Photon Multiplayer package

Team Information

  • Rahul - Development using Unity Engine and performing user study on people diagnosed with ADHD.

Project Description

Puzzle Game

The prototype of puzzle game contains a single level at the time of development with four different paintings but it was planned to have more levels in the future, based on funding. This game was aimed at addressing the attentiveness and concentration of the patient when trying to solve a puzzle. After completiong we perform some calculation at the end based on the time taken and other factors such as number of times he/she might have lost a round and presenting the user with a detailed report on how they performed and what all could be improved.

Painting Game - Multiplayer

This is a multiplayer unity webgl application where four different users can connect to a single room and share their paintings with each other. When you first start the application you will be placed in a single room where the user has the option to paint on a canvas for the questions that are asked. Upon completion you can enter the multiplayer area where the paintings of all the users can be viewed. This space was constructed so as to give the users a feeling of community space where like minded people can share their artwork and discuss and describe their feeling with them and provide/receive mental support for/from their counterparts.