ESMT Mobile Application

For a short while I was supporting the minor development and updation of an existing mobile App for a company based in Berlin, Karo Labs. The entire application was developed already and I was brought in to make some changes after the previous person who managed the app left the organization.

Tools & Softwares Used

Unity Game Engine

Team Information

  • Rahul - Development using Unity Engine and testing on Android devices and Bluestacks.

Project Description

My task with this app was to get their current cms setup moved from a private server (managed by the existing developer) to something that can be managed and accessed by the stakeholders of Karo Labs. Initially I setup the system to use Firebase for asset management (images and videos) since the free tier of Firebase comes with some limitations I had to switch it to something else, a cost free setup. That's when I thought of managing the assets from Dropbox and load them into the application as needed. After completing the CMS setup I had to make some aesthetic changes in the application, UI design changes and some cleanup works to make the application look better in general.